Studios 54

Rehearsal Availability And Booking

Studios 54 is open 7 days a week

Studio Prices - Rehearsal

These prices are up to date as of March 2025 ...

Rehearsal Sessions

Daytime Rehearsal Session rates are £50 per 3 hours available from 12pm to 6pm Monday-Friday.

Evening Rehearsal Session rates are £50 and run from 6pm to 9.30pm Monday-Friday and should be booked at least 24 hrs in advance.

Weekend Rehearsal Session rates are £50 per 3 hour session available from 12pm to 6pm Sat & Sun and should be booked at least 24 hrs in advance.

A high quality 'Mackie' house P.A. & 2 mics, stands & XLR leads etc are included.

Cancellations are not refundable but can be re-arranged on request if made within 24 hours of original booking.

Speaker Cab, Bass and Guitar Combo Amps, and a house Drum kit are available for hire when securing your online booking or alternatively you can pay cash on the day at £5 per item.

The house drum kit does not include breakables, i.e. cymbals, sticks, snare, stool, etc.

The hirer is liable for any damage to their own equipment brought onto the premises as well as any damage to the studio premises and studio equipment (excluding fair wear & tear).

Studio is fully air-conditioned.

For more infornation or to make a booking please call Mark on ...

07717 661841

Or book below and pay online via PayPal.

Rehearsal Availability

The studio is available 7 days a week.

To book rehearsal time, please choose your month below and click on the rehearsal slot required. You will then be given the option to contact the studio directly or to make payment online via PayPal ...

I want to book rehearsal space in ... March 2025

Saturday 1st
not available

not available

not available

Sunday 2nd
not available

not available

not available

Monday 3rd
not available

not available

not available

Tuesday 4th
not available

not available

not available

Wednesday 5th
not available

not available

not available

Thursday 6th
not available

not available

not available

Friday 7th
not available

not available

not available

Saturday 8th
not available

not available

not available

Sunday 9th
not available

not available

not available

Monday 10th
not available

not available

not available

Tuesday 11th
not available

not available

not available

Wednesday 12th
not available

not available

not available

Thursday 13th
not available

not available

not available

Friday 14th
not available

not available

not available

Saturday 15th
not available

not available

not available

Sunday 16th
not available

not available

not available

Monday 17th
not available

not available

not available

Tuesday 18th
not available

not available

not available

Wednesday 19th
not available

not available

not available

Thursday 20th
not available

not available

not available

Friday 21st
not available

not available

not available

Saturday 22nd
not available

not available

not available

Sunday 23rd
not available

not available

not available

Monday 24th
not available

not available

not available

Tuesday 25th
not available

not available

not available

Wednesday 26th
not available

not available

not available

Thursday 27th
not available

not available

not available

Friday 28th
not available

not available

not available

Saturday 29th
not available

not available

not available

Sunday 30th
not available

not available

not available

Monday 31st
book 12pm - 3pm

book 3pm - 6pm

book 6pm - 9:30pm


Safe, Secure Payment

Studios 54 is dedicated to providing a safe and secure shopping experience for our customers. We accept all major debit and credit cards with all payments being processed securely via PayPal, the Internet's most trusted payment provider.

For more information, please Contact Us.